

Shigeki Masunaga, Sridhar Susarla, Jennifer L. Gundersen, Yoshitaka Yonezawa: Pathway and rate of chlorophenol transformation in anaerobic estuarine sediment, Environ. Sci. Technol. 30[4] 1253-1260 (1996)

Sridhar Susarla, Shigeki Masunaga, Yoshitaka Yonezawa: Transformation of chloronitrobenzenes in anaerobic sediment, Chemosphere, 32[5] 967-977 (1996)

Shigeki Masunaga, Yoshitaka Yonezawa, Yoshikuni Urushigawa, Manabu Fukui: Partitioning of chlorobenzenes between suspended particulates and water in coastal waters, J. Enviorn. Sci. Health A34887-903(1996)

Shigeki Masunaga, Sridhar Susarla, Yoshitaka Yonezawa: Dechlorination of chlorobenzenes in anaerobic estuarine sediment, Water Science and Technology 33[6] 173-180 (1996)

Jong Guk Kim, Noriyuki Suzuki, Shigeki Masunaga, Junko Nakanishi: Concentrations and Biota-Sediment Accumulations of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans in Fish and Shrimp form Lake Kasumigaura, Environmental Chemistry, 6[4] 541549(1996) (in Japanese)

Sridhar Susarla, Shigeki Masunaga, Yoshitaka Yonezawa: Kinetics of halogen substituted aniline transformation in anaerobic estuarine sediment, Water Science & Technology 34 [7/8] 37-43 (1996)

Sridhar Susarla, Shigeki Masunaga, Yoshitaka Yonezawa: Reductive dechlorination pathways of chloroorganics under anaerobic conditions, Water Science & Technology 34 [5/6] 489-494 (1996)  


S. Susarla, S. Masunaga, Y. Yonezawa: Kinetics of Sequential Dechlorination of Chloroorganics in an Anaerobic Sediment, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 582 227-233 (1997)

Nobuyoshi Yamashita, Shigeki Masunaga, Mohamed S. Rizk and Yoshikuni Urushigawa: Vertical profiles of organochlorine pesticides in sediment core from Nile River and Manzala Lake, Egypt, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 58, 151-161 (1997)

Shigeki Masunaga, Takeo Sakurai, Jong-Guk Kim and Junko Nakanishi: Polycholrinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans in Sediment, Soil and Biological Samples from Lake Kasumigaura Area, Bulletin of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, 23 [1] 1-12 (1997) (in Japanese)

Sridhar Susarla, Shigeki Masunaga, Yoshitaka Yonezawa: Reductive dehalogenation of chloroanilines in anaerobic estuarine sediment, Environmental Technology, 181 75-83 (1997)

Sridhar Susarla, Shigeki Masunaga, Yoshitaka Yonezawa: Redox Potential as a parameter to predict the reductive dechlorination pathway of chloroanilines in anaerobic environments, Microbial Ecology, 33 252-256 (1997)

Sridhar Susarla, Yoshitaka Yonezawa, Junko Nakanishi, Shigeki Masunaga: Anaerobic transformation kinetics and pathways of chlorophenols in fresh lake sediment, Water Science and Technology, 36[6/7] 99-105 (1997)

Sridhar Susarla, Mohamed. M. El Hefnawy, Shigeki Masunaga, Nobuyuki Yamashita, Yoshitaka Yonezawa, Mohamed M. Salm. Rizk, Y. Urushigawa: Anaerobic biotransformation of organochlorine pesticides in Manzala Lake, Egypt, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 62, 149-160 (1997)



Sridhar Susarla, Yoshitaka Yonezawa, Shigeki Masunaga: Reductive Transformations of Halogenated Aromatics in Anaerobic Estuarine Sediment: Kinetics, Products and Pathways, Water Research, 32[3] 639-648 (1998)

Shigeki Masunaga, Takeo Sakurai, and Junko Nakanishi: Dioxin Mass Balances in Tokyo Bay and Kasumigaura Lake Basin, Bulletin of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, 24 [1] 1-10 (1998) (in Japanese)

Takeo Sakurai, Noriyuki Suzuki, Shigeki Masunaga, Junko Nakanishi: Origin attribution of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in sediment and soil from a Japanese freshwater lake area through congener-specific data analysis, Chemosphere 37[9-12] 2211-2224 (1998)



Takeo Sakurai, Jong-Guk Kim, Noriyuki Suzuki, Tomonori Matsuo, Dong-Qing Li, Yuan Yao, Shigeki Masunaga and Junko Nakanishi: Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in sediment, soil, fish, shellfish, and crab samples from Tokyo Bay area, Japan, Chemosphere 40[6] 627-640 (2000)

Yamashita, N., Urushigawa, Y., Masunaga, S., Walash, M. I., Miyazaki, A.: Organochlorine pesticides in water sediment and fish from the Nile River and Manzala Lake in Egypt, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 77, 289-303 (2000)

Youn-Seok Kang, Masumi Yamamuro, Shigeki Masunaga, and Junko Nakanishi:Isomer Compositions of PCDDs/DFs and Coplanar PCBs in Waterfowls, Fishes and Shellfish from Lake Shinji, Bulletin of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, 26 [1] 11-22 (2000) (in Japanese)

Shigeki Masunaga, Takumi Takasuga, and Junko Nakanishi: Congener Specific Analysis of Dioxins in Agrochemicals Using BPX5 Column, Bulletin of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, 26 [1] 1-9 (2000) (in Japanese))

Shigeki Masunaga, Tsutomu Itazawa, Takuma Furuichi, Sunardi, Dan Villeneuve, K. Kannan, John P. Giesy, Junko Nakanishi: Occurrence of Estrogenic Activity and Estrogenic Compounds in the Tama River, Japan, Environmental Sciences, 7[2] 101-117 2000.7

Naomasa Iseki, Shinichi Hayama, Shigeki Masunaga, and Junko Nakanishi: Residue Levels of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins, Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans and Coplanar PCBs in Common Cormorant, Journal of Environmental Chemistry, 10 [4] 817-831 (1998) (in Japanese)



Yuan Yao, Takumi Takasuga, Shigeki Masunaga, Junko Nakanishi: Analysis of PCDDs, PCDFs and PCBs in Yusho rice oil by cross-check, Bulletin of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, 27 [1] 25-32 (2001) (in Japanese)

Shigeki Masunaga, Yuan Yao, Isamu Ogura, Satoshi Nakai, Yutaka Kanai, Masumi Yamamuro, Junko Nakanishi: Identifying sources and mass balance of dioxin pollution in Lake Shinji Basin, Japan. Environmental Science and Technology35[10] 1967-1973 (2001.5)  

Naomasa Iseki, Shigeki Masunaga, Junko Nakanishi: Comparison of Residue Levels of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins, Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans and Coplanar PCBs in Eggs of Commom Cormorants, Phalacrocorax Carbo Collected from Two Colonies in Japan, Journal ofJapan Society on Water Environment, 24 [7] 447-453 (2001) (in Japanese)

Masunaga, S., T. Takasuga & J. Nakanishi: Dioxin and dioxin-like PCB impurities in some Japanese agrochemical formulations. Chemosphere 44[4] 873-885 (2001)  

Jae-Won Choi, Muneaki Matusda, Masahide Kawamo, Tadaaki Wakimoto, Naomasa Iseki, Shigeki Masunaga, Shin-ichi Hayama, Yutaka Watanuki: Chlorinated persistent organic pollutants in black-tailed gulls (Larus carassirostris) from Hokkaido, Japan. Chemosphere 44[6] 1375-1382 (2001) 

Ogura, I., Masunaga, S. and Nakanishi, J.: Atmospheric deposition of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls in the Kanto Region, Japan. Chemosphere 44[6] 1473-1487 (2001).

Ogura, I., Masunaga, S. and Nakanishi, J.: Congener-specific characterization of PCDDs/PCDFs in atmospheric deposition: Comparison of profiles between deposition, source and environmental sink, Chemosphere 45[2] 173-183 (2001.10).

Krunthachalam Kannan, Jamie Lee Lober, Youn-Seok Kang, Shigeki Masunaga, Junko Nakanishi, Arthour Ostaszewski, John P. Giesy: Polychlorinated naphthalene, dibenzo-p-dioxins, and dibenzofurans as well as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and alkylphenols in sediment from the Detroit and Rouge Rivers, Michigan, USA, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 20[9]1878-1889(2001.9)

Krunthachalam Senthil Kumar, Krunthachalam Kannan, Odathurai N. Paramasivan, Vellakovil P. Shanmuga Sundaram, Junko Nakanishi, Shigeki Masunaga: Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans, and polychlorinated biphenyls in human tissues, meat, fish, and wildlife samples from India, Environ. Sci. Technol. 35[17] 3448-3455 (2001)

Klara Hischerova, Kurunthachalam Kannan, Youn-Seok Kang, Ivan Holoubek, Miroslav Machala, Shigeki Masunaga, Junko Nakanishi, John P. Giesy: Characterization of dioxin-like activity of sediments from a Czech river basin, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 20[12] 2768-2777 (2001.12)

Shigeki Masunaga, Yuan Yao, Hideshige Takada, Takeo Sakurai, Junko Nakanishi: Sources Apportioning of Dioxin Pollution Recorded in Tokyo Bay Sediment Core Based on Congener Composition, Chikyukagaku (Geochemistry) 35[4] 159-168(2001)

Sunardi, Shigeki Masunaga, Junko Nakanishi: Measurement of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a sewage treatment plant, Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 1. 60-68 (2001)

J.-W. Choi, M. Matsuda, M. Kawano, N. Iseki, S. Masunaga, T. Wakimoto: Accumulation of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans, and dioxin-like PCBs in Black-Tailed Gulls and Eggs, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 67[5] 733-740 (2001)



Naito, W., Miyamoto, K., Nakanishi, J., Masunaga, S. and Bartell, S. M.: Application of an ecosystem model for aquatic ecological risk assessment of chemicals for a Japanese lake, Water Research 36[1] 1-14 (2002)

K. Senthilkumar, N. Iseki, S. Hayama, J. Nakanishi, S. Masunaga: Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans, and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls in livers of birds from Japan, Archives of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 42[2] 244-255 (2002)

Youn-Seok Kang, M. Yamamuro, S. Masunaga, J. Nakanishi: Specific biomagnification of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in tufted ducks (Aythya fuligula), common cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) and their prey from Lake Shinji, Chemosphere 46[9-10] 1373-1382 (2002)

Y. Yao, T. Takasuga, S. Masunaga, J. Nakanishi: Detailed study on the levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans and polychlorinated biphenyls in Yusho rice oil, Chemosphere 46[9-10] 1461-1469 (2002)

Yuan Yao, Shigeki Masunaga, Hideshige Takada, Junko Nakanishi: Identification of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin, dibenzofuran, and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyl sources in Tokyo Bay, Japan, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 21[5] 991-998 (2002)

K. S. Kumar, K. Kannan, S. Corsolini, T. Evans, J. P. Giesy, J. Nakanishi, S. Masunaga: Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and polychlorinated biphenyls in polar bear, penguin and south polar skua, Environmental Pollution 119[2] 151-161 (2002)

Kurunthachalam Senthil Kumar, Kurunthachalam Kannan, John P. Giesy, Shigeki Masunaga: Distribution and elimination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans, biphenyls, and p,p-DDE in tissues of bald eagles from the upper peninsula of Michigan, Environ. Sci. Technol., 36[13] 2789-2796 (2002)

Kurunthachalam Kannan, Jae-Won Choi, Naomasa Iseki, Kurunthachalam Senthilkumar, Dong Hoon Kim, Shigeki Masunaga, John P. Giesy: Concentrations of perfluorinated acids in livers of birds from Japan and Korea, Chemosphere 49[3] 225-231 (2002)



K. S. Kumar, M. Yamamuro, S. Pitaksintorn, S. Masunaga: Dioxins/furans and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in dugongs from the Thailand Coast, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 70[2] 198-204 (2003)

Carrie L. Tansy, Kurunthachalam Senthilkumar, Stephanie D. Pastva, Kurunthachalam Kannan, William W. Bowerman, Shigeki Masunaga and John P. Giesy: Concentrations and profiles of polychlorinated biphenyls, -dibenzo-p-dioxins and -dibenzofurans in livers of mink from South Carolina and Louisiana, U.S.A., Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 83[1] 17-33 (2003)

Kurunthachalam Kannan, Kurunthachlam Senthil Kumar, Haruhiko Nakata, Jerzy Falandysz, Gunter Oehme, Shigeki Masunaga: Polychlorinated Biphenyls, dibenzo-p-dioixns, dibenzofurans, and p,p’-DDE in livers of White-tailed sea eagles from Eastern Germany, 1979-1998, Environ. Sci. Technol., 37[7] 1249-1255 (2003)

Yutaka Kameda, Shigeki Masunaga, Hiroshi Hamada, Junko Nakanishi: Historical Trends of Dioxin and Agrochemicals in Rice Straw and their Impact on Daily PCDD/Fs Intake Via Foods, Journal of Environmental Chemistry, 13[2] 369-383 (2003)  (in Japanese)

Kurunthachalam Senthil Kumar, William W. Bowerman, Travis L. DeVault, TakumiTakasuga, Olin E. Rhodes Jr., I. Lehr Brisbin Jr., Shigeki Masunaga:Chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminants in blood of black and turkey vulturesfrom Savannah River Site, South Carolina, USA, Chemosphere 53[2] 173-182(2003)

Shigeki Masunaga, Yuan Yao, Isamu Ogura, Takeo Sakurai and Junko Nakanishi:Source and behavior analyses of dioxins based on congener-specific information and their application to Tokyo Bay basin, Chemosphere 53[4]315-324 (2003.10)

Mariko Murata, Naomasa Iseki, Shigeki Masunaga and Junko Nakanishi:Estimation of effects of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs on wildlife population––a case study on common cormorant, Chemosphere 53[4] 337-345(2003.10)

Wataru Naito, Jiancheng Jin, Youn-Seok Kang, Masumi Yamamuro, Shigeki Masunaga and Junko Nakanishi: Dynamics of PCDDs/DFs and coplanar-PCBs in an aquatic food chain of Tokyo Bay, Chemosphere 53[4] 347-362 (2003.10)

Wataru Naito, Ken-ichi Miyamoto, Junko Nakanishi, Shigeki Masunaga and Steven M. Bartell: Evaluation of an ecosystem model in ecological risk assessment of chemicals, Chemosphere 53[4] 363-375 (2003.10)

Isamu Ogura, Shigeki Masunaga and Junko Nakanishi: Analysis of atmospheric behavior of PCDDs/PCDFs by a one-compartment box model, Chemosphere 53[4]399-412 (2003.10)

Mariko Murata, Shigeki Masunaga, Junko Nakanishi: Population-level ecological risk assessment of planar polychlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons in great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) around Tokyo Bay, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 22[10] 2508-2518 (2003.10)

Norihiro Kobayashi, Shigeki Masunaga, Junko Nakanishi: Source Identification and Behavior of PCDD/Fs and Dioxin-like PCBs in Japanese River Water, Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment, 26[10] 655-662 (2003)  (in Japanese)

Kurunthachalam Senthilkumar, Naomasa Iseki, Sunardi, Seiichi Kasuga, Takumi Takasuga and Shigeki Masunaga: Polychlorinated-dibenzo-p-dioxins, -dibenzofurans and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls in aquatic organisms from Lake Kasumigaura, Japan, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 85[4-6] 121-132 (July-December 2003 2004)

Kurunthachalam Senthilkumar, William W. Bowerman, Kelly F. Millenbah, Dave A. Best, Takumi Takasuga and Shigeki Masunaga: Polychlorinated-dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans and -dioxin-like biphenyls in eggs of common terns from Lime Island, St. Mary’s River, Michigan, USA, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 85[4-6] 221-232 (July-December 2003 2004)


Kyoung Soo Kim, Yusuke Hirai, Mika Kato, Kouhei Urano, Shigeki Masunaga: Detailed PCB congener patterns in incinerator flue gas and commercial PCB formulations (Kanechlor), Chemosphere 55[4] 539-553 (2004)

Ogura, I.; Masunaga, S.; Nakanishi, J. Quantitative Source Identification of Dioxin-like PCBs in Yokohama, Japan, by Temperature Dependence of Their Atmospheric Concentrations. Environ. Sci. Technol. 38[12] 3279-3285 (2004.6)

Norihiro Kobayashi, Shigeki Masunaga, Junko Nakanishi: Transportation and Sources of Dioxins and  Dioxin-like PCBs inRivers Flowing into Tokyo Bay, Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment, 27[7] 465-472 (2004)  (in Japanese)

Sunardi, K. S. Kumar, S. Masunaga, N. Iseki, S. Kasuga, J. Nakanishi: Temporal Trends of Organochlorine Pesticides in Prawn (Macrobrachium nipponense) from Lake Kasumigaura, Japan, During 1978–2000, Archives of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology, 47[1] 94-100 (July 2004)

Kiyohiko Watanabe, Kurunthachalam Senthilkumar, Shigeki Masunaga, Takumi Takasuga, Naomasa Iseki, and Masatoshi Morita: Brominated Organic Contaminants in the Liver and Egg of the Common Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) from Japan, Environ. Sci. Technol. 38[15] 4071-4077 (2004.8)

Atsuko Seino, Sanae Furusho, Shigeki Masunaga: Occurrence of Pharmaceuticals Used in Human and Veterinary Medicine in Aquatic Environments in Japan, Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment, 27[11] 685-691 (2004)  (in Japanese)

Atsuko Seino, Yasuko Hasegawa, Shigeki Masunaga: Distribution of Antibioticresistant E. Coli in Kaname, Tsurumi, and Tama Rivers, Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment, 27[11] 693-698 (2004)  (in Japanese)

Yutaka Kameda, Sumie Kagiya, Shigeki Masunaga: A Novel Approach to Identifying in Situ Multiple Stressors to Pseudorasbora parvac by AFLP Analysis, Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment, 27[11] 699-705 (2004)  (in Japanese)

Takuma Furuichi, Kurunthachalam Kannan, John P. Giesy and Shigeki Masunaga: Contribution of known endocrine disrupting substances to the estrogenic activity in Tama River water samples from Japan using instrumental analysis and in vitro reporter gene assay, Water Research 38[20] 4491-4501 (2004.12)


Isamu Ogura, Masashi Gamo, Shigeki Masunaga, and Junko Nakanishi: Quantitative identification of sources of dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls in sediments by a factor analysis model and a chemical mass balance model combined with Monte Carlo techniques, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24[2] 277–285 (2005.2)

Yutaka Kameda, Junko Shirai, Takeshi Komai, Junko Nakanishi and Shigeki Masunaga: Atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: size distribution, estimation of their risk and their depositions to the human respiratory tract, Science of The Total Environment, 340[1-3] 71-80 (2005.3)

Kurunthachalam Senthil Kumar, Kiyohiko Watanabe, Hiroaki Takemori, Naomasa Iseki, Shigeki  Masunaga, Takumi Takasuga: Analysis of UNEP Priority POPs Using HRGC-HRMS and Their Contamination Profiles in Livers and Eggs of Great Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) from Japan, Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 48[4] 538–551 (2005.5)

Hiroaki Itoh, Kikuo Yoshida and Shigeki Masunaga: Evaluation of the effect of governmental control of human exposure to two phthalates in Japan using a urinary biomarker approach, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 208[4] 237-245 (2005.7)

Kyoung-Soo Kim and Shigeki Masunaga: Behavior and source characteristic of PCBs in urban ambient air of Yokohama, Japan, Environmental Pollution 138[2] 290-298 (2005.11)


Ryosuke Odaka, Shigeki Masunaga: Environmental Behavior of Perfluorinated Surfactants in Tokyo Bay, Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment, 29[4] 221-228 (2006)  (in Japanese)

Atsuko Yamamoto, Shigeki Masunaga: Analytical Methods and Monitoring Level of Pharmaceuticals in the Aquatic Environment, Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment, 29[4] 186-190 (2006)  (in Japanese)

Muthini Muendo, Yoshimichi Hanai, Yutaka Kameda and Shigeki Masunaga: Polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in urban air: concentration levels, patterns, and source analysis in Nairobi, Kenya, Environmental Forensics   7 [2] 147-157(2006.6)

Tomohiro Yamasaki, Yoshiyuki Nakamura, Shigeki Masunaga: Field Observations on the Characteristic and Transport of Organotin Compounds on the Harbors, Journal of Environmental Systems and Engineering , 62[3] 287-296 (2006)  (in Japanese)

Yutaka Kameda, Shigeki Masunaga: An Evaluation of Population Genetic Structure of Psedorasbora parva in Kanto Region and Main Stressors Effects on their Genetic Variability and Genotypes, Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment, 29[9] 553-560 (2006)  (in Japanese)

Tomohiro Yamasaki, Yoshiyuki Nakamura, Shigeki Masunaga: Field Observations on theSuspended Particle-Seawater Partitioning of Organotin Compounds, Journal of Water and Waste, 48[11] 50-56 (2006)  (in Japanese)

Norihiro Kobayashi, Tomomi Eriguchi, Kisaburo Nakata, Shigeki Masunaga, Fumio Horiguchi and Junko Nakanishi: Application of a 3-D Chemical Fate Prediction Model (FATE3D) to Predict Dioxin Concentrations in the Tokyo Bay, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 70[4] 621-632 (2006.12)

Takuma Furuichi, Kurunthachalam Kannan, Kazuyoshi Suzuki, Shuzo Tanaka, John P. Giesy, Shigeki Masunaga: Occurrence of Estrogenic Compounds in and Removal by a Swine Farm Waste Treatment Plant, Environ. Sci. Technol. 40[24] 7896-7902(2006.12)


Minori Uchimiya, Shigeki Masunaga: Time Trends in Sources and Dechlorination Pathways of Dioxins in Agrochemically Contaminated Sediments, Environ. Sci. Technol. 41[8] 2703-2710(2007.4)


Minori Uchimiya, Mari Arai, Shigeki Masunaga: Fingerprinting Localized Dioxin Contamination: Ichihara Anchorage Case, Environ. Sci. Technol. 41[11] 3864-3870(2007.6)  


Hiroaki Itoh, Kikuo Yoshida, Shigeki Masunaga: Quantitative Identification of Unknown Exposure Pathways of Phthalates Based on Measuring Their Metabolites in Human Urine, Environ. Sci. Technol. 41[13] 4542-4547 (2007.7)


Li Ru-zhong, Masunaga Shigeki, Hong Tian-qiu, Qian Jia-zhong: Fuzzy model for two-dimensional river water quality simulation under sudden pollutants discharged, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 19[4] 434-441 (2007.8)


Tomohiro Yamasaki, Yoshiyuki Nakamura, Akira Kagayama, Shigeki Masunaga: Adsorption Characteristic oaf Tributyltin Compounds to Port and Harbor Sediments, Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment, 30 [8] 449-455 (2007)  (in Japanese)


Tomohiro Yamasaki, Shigeki Masunaga:Influence of Dioxin-Contaminated Sediment of the Port of Ichihara on the Sediment Pollution in Tokyo Bay, Environmental Engineering Research Vol.44, 355-362 (2007) [The 44th Environmental Engineering Forum] (in Japanese)



Bommanna G. Loganathan, Kurunthachalam Senthil Kumar, Shigeki Masunaga and Kenneth S. Sajwan: Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans, and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls in sediment and mussel samples from Kentucky Lake, USA, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 54[1] 20-30 (2008.1)


Yasuyuki Zushi, Tomoharu Takeda, Shigeki Masunaga: Existence of nonpoint source of perfluorinated compounds and their loads in the Tsurumi River basin, Japan, Chemosphere 71[8] 1566–1573 (2008.4)


Roland Weber, Caroline Gaus, Mats Tysklind, Paul Johnston, Martin Forter, Henner Hollert, Emanuel Heinisch, Ivan Holoubek, Mariann Lloyd-Smith, Shigeki Masunaga, Paolo Moccarelli, David Santillo, Nobuyasu Seike, Robert Symons, Joao Paulo Machado Torres, Matti Verta, Gerd Varbelow, John Vijgen, Alan Watson, Pat Costner, Jan Woelz, Peter Wycisk, Markus Zennegg: Dioxin- and POP-contaminated sites—contemporary and future relevance and challenges - Overview on background, aims and scope of the series -, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 15[5]363–393(2008.7)



Kurunthachalam Senthil Kumar, Yasuyuki Zushi, Shigeki Masunaga, Matthew Gilligan, Carol Pride, Kenneth S. Sajwan: Perfluorinated organic contaminants in sediment and aquatic wildlife, including sharks, from Georgia, USA, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 58[4] 621-629 (2009.4)


Yasuyuki Zushi, Shigeki Masunaga: Identifying the nonpoint source of perfluorinated compounds using a geographic information system based approach, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 28[4] 691–700 (2009.4) [Published on the Web 1/21/2009]


Yasuyuki Zushi, Shigeki Masunaga: Perspective of Rrisk management of PFCs in Asian countries, Environmental Science, 22[3] 212-218(2009.5)  (in Japanese)


Yasuyuki Zushi, Shigeki Masunaga: First-flush loads of perfluorinated compounds in stormwater runoff from Hayabuchi River basin, Japan served by separated sewerage system, Chemosphere 76[6] 833–840 (2009.8)


Ying Zhang, Satoshi Nakai, Shigeki Masunaga: An exposure assessment of methyl mercury via fish consumption for the Japanese population, Risk Analysis 29[9] 1281-1289 (2009)


Shino Kuwa, Kikuo Yoshida, Shigeki Masunaga: Developing an Age-Dependent Biologically Effective Dose Estimation System and its Application to Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Air, Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis, 19[3] 75-84 (2009.10) (in Japanese)


Ying Zhang, Satoshi Nakai, Shigeki Masunaga:Simulated Impact of a Change in Fish Comsumption on Intake of n-3 Polyunasaturated Fatty Acids, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 22[7-8] 657-662 (2009)


Tomoya INOUE, Shigeki MASUNAGA, Hideo OHTANI: Evaluation of the risk trade-off argument brominated flame retardant in EU associated with DecaBDE, Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis, 19[4] 21-31 (2009) (in Japanese)


S. U. Park, J. G. Kim, S. Masunaga and K. S. Kim: Source Identification and Concentration Distribution of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Environmental Media around Industrial Complexes, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 83[6] 859-864 (2009.12)


Md. Firoz Khan, Yuichiro Shirasuna, Koichiro Hirano and Shigeki Masunaga: Urban and suburban aerosol in Yokohama, Japan: A comprehensive chemical characterization, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 171[1-4] 441-456 (2010.12) (Published online: 8 January, 2010)



Yuso Kobara, Nobuyasu Seike, Notoki Nishimori, Shigeki Masunaga, Masayuki Hosomi: Passive air sampling of organochlorine pesticides across Japan in spring 2008, Environmental Science 23[1] 3-17 (2010.1) (in Japanese)


Yasuyuki Zushi, Masafumi Tamada, Yutaka Kanai, Shigeki Masunaga: Time trends of perfluorinated compounds from the sediment core of Tokyo Bay, Japan (1950s–2004), Environmental Pollution 158[3] 756–763 (2010.3)


Vasu Tiwari, Yoshimichi Hanai and Shigeki Masunaga: Ambient levels of volatile organic compounds in the vicinity of petrochemical industrial area of Yokohama, Japan, Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 3[2] 65-73 (2010.5)

Md. Firoz Khan, Yuichiro Shirasuna, Koichiro Hirano, Shigeki Masunaga: Characterization of PM2.5, PM2.5–10 and PM> 10 in ambient air, Yokohama, Japan, Atmospheric Research, 96[1] 159-172 (April 2010)

Md. Firoz Khan, Koichiro Hirano, Shigeki Masunaga: Quantifying the sources of hazardous elements of suspended particulate matter aerosol collected in Yokohama, Japan, Atmospheric Environment 44[21-22] 2646-2657 (2010.7)


Md. Firoz Khan, Yuichiro Shirasuna, Koichiro Hirano and Shigeki Masunaga: Urban and suburban aerosol in Yokohama, Japan: A comprehensive chemical characterization, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 171[1-4] 441-456 (2010.12) (Published online:8 January, 2010)



Sho TAKEDA, Shigeo HOSONO and Shigeki MASUNAGA: Source Apportionment of Dioxin Pollution in River Sediment using Positive Matrix Factorization, Journal of Environmental Chemistry 21[1] 1-11 (2011) (in Japanese)


Yasuyuki Zushi, Feng Ye, Mamoru Motegi, Kiyoshi Nojiri, Shigeo Hosono, Toshinari Suzuki, Yuki Kosugi, Kumiko Yaguchi, and Shigeki Masunaga: Spatially Detailed Survey on Pollution by Multiple Perfluorinated Compounds in the Tokyo Bay Basin of Japan, Environmental Science & Technology 45[7] 2887–2893 (2011.4)


Wataru NAITO, Miwako MORI, Yuichi IWASAKI, Masashi KAMO, Shigeki MASUNAGA: Measurement of bioavailability of metals in river water uisng DGT, Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment, 34[4] 65- 71 (2011.4) (in Japanese)


M. A. Salam, Y. Shirasuna, K. Hirano, and Shigeki Masunaga: Particle associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the atmospheric environment of urban and suburban residential area, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 8[2] 255-266 (Spring 2011) (Available online 1 March 2011)


Yasuyuki Zushi, Shigeki Masunaga: GIS-based source identification and apportionment of diffuse water pollution: Perfluorinated compound pollution in the Tokyo Bay basin, Chemosphere 85[8] 1340-1346 (2011.11)



Md. Firoz Khan, Koichiro Hirano, Shigeki Masunaga: Assessment of the sources of suspended particulate matter aerosol using US EPA PMF 3.0, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184[2] 1063-1083 (2012.1)


Yasuyuki Zushi, Jonathan Nartey Hogarh, Shigeki Masunaga: Progress and perspective of perfluorinated compound risk assessment and management in various countries and institutes, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 14[1] 9-20 (2012.2) 


Jonathan Nartey Hogarh, Nobuyasu Seike, Yuso Kobara, Ahsan Habib, Jae-Jak Nam, Jong-Sik Lee, Qilu Li, Xiang Liu, Jun Li, Gan Zhang, Shigeki Masunaga: Passive air monitoring of PCBs and PCNs across East Asia: A comprehensive congener evaluation for source characterization, Chemosphere 86[7] 718-726 (2012.2)


Jonathan N. Hogarh, Nobuyasu Seike, Yuso Kobara, and Shigeki Masunaga: Atmospheric Polychlorinated Naphthalenes in Ghana, Environ. Sci. Technol. 46[5] 2600-2606(2012.3)


Satoshi Managaki, Iku Enomoto and Shigeki Masunaga: Sources and distribution of hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) in Japanese river sediment,  Journal of Environmental Monitoring 14[3] 901- 907 (2012)